Why you should use the Venues4Hire website
Use our website to find potential Venues?
We aim to provide the most complete list of Venues that can be hired for a private event in the UK. Currently we list over 29,000 Venues and Halls that can be hired for any sort of private event. We have over 30 different Venue Types that Venues can be listed under including "Wedding Venues", "Party Venues", "Marquee Venues", "Village Halls" and many more. You can use our search filters to narrow down the results that you are shown.
Our search results show you all of the Venues we know about within your selected distance from your search starting point, we also included selected Venues from a little way outside your search area where we think they might also be of interest.
Use our website to show you Venues you might otherwise not realise exist.
Venues are expected to maintain their own listings, we aim to provide an email contact form, any booking phone numbers, a link to the Venues own website and Facebook page, in addition to the address and a location map and for many Venues much more detailed information about the Venue and it's facilities. Venues which show the word Verified have in the past Adopted and Updated their information. We do not offer a direct booking service we just provide the information that our visitors need to make contact with Venues that look of interest.
Is your Venue listed on Venues4Hire.org
Venues4Hire opened its doors in 2014 and since then we have steadily grown to be the largest UK listing site for Venues and Spaces that can be hired to hold some form of event, activity, wedding, business meeting or any other form of private function. We now have over 30,000 Venues listed with many new Venues added each week. We are aiming to become the "Rightmove" of the Venues marketplace - listing all of the available Venues for hire within your search area from the grandest castle to the humblest community hall.
We have gradually worked our way up the Google search results and now for almost any form of organic venue search - such as "Venues for hire near me" or "Halls for hire in Stone" we almost always appear on page one and often we are position one on that page.
If you run a Venue, have a Function room, host Parties, operate a Wedding Venue, Hire out your Hall or just have a space that can be hired for a private event then you should add it to our website. We firmly believe that adding a Venue to our site is a good investment, each month we display Venue details to Visitors over 250,000 times and Google includes our site in its search results over 1 million times a month.
Google is very good at finding your Venue if the person searching knows a bit about it, but very bad at showing it if the search is a bit vague or generic "Halls for hire near Tadcaster" for instance. In Cheshire, we have over 650 Venues listed; Google will show you details of about 50 if you wade thru 20 pages of search results - so over 600 perfectly good Venues are excluded from the results. We are just like Rightmove - we will show the Visitor all of the Venues we know about within their search area.
Most recently added/updated
Bourton Village Hall
Dorset, England
The Old School, Lover
Lover, Wiltshire
Rode and District Memorial Hall
Rode, England
Brailsford and Ednaston Institute
Brailsford, Derbyshire
Earley Home Guard Social Club
Earley, Berkshire
St Helen and St Katharine
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
Events and Special Offers

List your Venue today
It is very easy to add your Venue on our website.
If you run a Venue, have a Function room, host Parties, operate a Wedding Venue, Hire out your Hall or just have a space that can be hired for a private event then you should add it to our website. We are we believe the largest UK Venue listing site with approximately 30,000 Venues listed. There is a small charge of £35.00 to list your Venue.
Register on our site - starting with the button below and then you can add one or more Venues including a full description of the Venue and its facilities together with a selection of photographs.
See the List your Venue link at the bottom of this page for more information.
In an average month we forward on over 1500 booking enquiries directly to our listed Venues.
Join over 30,000 Venues already listed!
Register now
Generate more enquiries for your Venue
Upgraded Venues get on average 15 times more enquiries than un-adopted / unverified Venues.
Upgraded Venues can promote their offers and events, and these will appear on our homepage and on every search results page, being seen by over 100,000 visitors every month.
Our upgrades allow you to increase the visibility of your Venue within our website and to promote your Venues special offers and events. You also get the chance to place a number of adverts (maybe on behalf of any preferred suppliers you have and keep any income you can raise) thereby offsetting the cost of the upgrade and maybe even making a profit.
To see an example of both a Highlighted Venue and a Featured Venue please Click Here.
There are two levels of upgrade available to see the features of both, please login to your Venues Admin page and select the Upgrades Tab - The number of Highlighted upgrades will be limited to about 3 per county with a few more in major cities.
Do you supply Venues or Event Planners?
Venues4Hire currently has over 29,000 Venues listed.
If you supply goods or services to Venues or Event Planners we would love to hear from you.
Are you an entertainer, do you supply insurance products, consumables, catering or another service? Tell us about your business and get a free local advert.
Join the Venues4Hire revolution today.
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