Upgrade to generate more interest and enquiries for your Venue
Venues4Hire are pleased to be able to offer Venues the chance to upgrade their Venues listings. Our upgrades allow you to increase the visibility of your Venue within our website and to promote your Venue's special offers and events. You also get the chance to place a number of adverts (maybe on behalf of any preferred suppliers you have and keep any income you can raise) thereby offsetting the cost of the upgrade and maybe even making a profit.
To see an example of both a Highlighted Venue and a Featured Venue please Click Here.
There are two levels of upgrade available and the features of each are listed below - The number of Highlighted upgrades will be limited to about 3 per county with a few more in the major cities.
To upgrade your venue's listing you need to login to your Venue's control panel and select the upgrade you want from the Upgrade Tab, this will turn on access to allow you to make use of the extra features. We will send you a PayPal based invoice for payment after you have upgraded. We do not collect your payment details and you will always be asked if you wish to renew the upgrade after each year.
Adopted venue | Featured venue | Highlighted venue |
- Improved listing
- Edit the listing content
- Extra Venue information
- Venue listing indexed for Google search results
No extra cost
- Near top listing in V4H search results
- Larger entry in V4H search results
- Seen by at least 400% more website visitors
- Ability to promote Events on searches within 25 miles of your Venue
- Ability to promote Special Offers on searches within 25 miles of your Venue
- Ability to create and sell Venue Support Adverts (you should be able to recover your Upgrade costs via theses adverts)
- Preferred Supplier tab within Venue listing allowing you to promote these suppliers
- Ability to store downloadable documents such as PDF leaflets / menus etc
- Personalised Pop-up visitor enquiry form - emailed direct to your Venue
- Venue listing indexed for Google search results
£140.00 Per Year
- Top Listing in V4H search results
- Largest entry in V4H search results
- Seen by at least 750% more website visitors
- Extra photos in V4H search results
- Ability to include Videos on Venue listing
- Venue included in Home page photo reel
- Limited number of Highlighted Slots available - no more than 3 per county plus a few more in major towns
- Venue included in out of area search results
- Ability to promote Events on searches within 50 miles of your Venue (also on our home page)
- Ability to promote Special Offers on searches within 50 miles of your Venue (also on our home page)
- Ability to create and sell Venue support Adverts (you should be able to recover your Upgrade costs via these adverts)
- Preferred Supplier tab within Venue listing allowing you to promote these suppliers
- Ability to store downloadable documents such as PDF leaflets / menus etc
- Personalised Pop-up visitor enquiry form - emailed direct to your venue
- Venue listing indexed for Google search results
£200.00 Per Year
To upgrade now Login to your Venues management page and select the upgrade tab.
To upgrade now Login to your Venues management page and select the upgrade tab.