Chapelside Community Centre

Chapelside Community Centre - Chapelside Community Centre

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Waddell Street

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01236 638530

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Chapelside Community Centre description

Community Hall

Small (1-50)

Chapelside Community Facility has been operational since 1969 when Chapelside Primary School vacated the building to move to their new premises. The building dates from the 1880's and in addition to the Community Facility, it also houses the Richard Stewart Nursery School. The Community Facility is the base for a number of activities. It contains offices for Community Learning and Development staff, and Phacts (a youth health and peer education project). The North Airdrie Music Project and the Chapelside Women's Health Project are also based there in addition to a variety of adult education classes and youth activities. Chapelside also acts as an Adult Literacy centre for the area.

Venue suitability

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Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

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