Symington Hall

Symington Hall - Symington Hall

To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire

65 Main Street
ML12 6LL

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07795 454 602

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Symington Hall description

Community Hall

Medium (1-150)

Symington Hall is in the village of Symington, just outside Biggar, which can be reached from the A72 or the A73.

The premises consist of a main hall, one meeting room on the upper level, kitchen and toilet facilities.

The hall is 150sqm in area and seats up to 180 people concert style and up to 120 for a catered function.

The kitchen is suitable for small functions and customers can provide their own teas and coffees.

There is on-street parking for this facility.

This facility can be used for a variety of community, social and commercial activities including but not restricted to Courses and Classes, Arts and Crafts, Sports Activities, Community Meetings, Birthday Parties, Engagement Parties, Discos, Wedding Receptions, Slimming Clubs, Martial Arts etc.

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:

Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

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