Time and Talents

Time and Talents - Time and Talents

To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire

The Old Mortuary
St Marychurch Street
Greater London
SE16 4JE

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0207231 7845

Premises Officer

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Time and Talents description

Community Hall / Business Meeting Rooms / Party Venue

Medium (1-150)

First built in 1860, The Old Mortuary has been functioning as a centre for local activities since 1980. It is situated in the heart of old Rotherhithe, five minutes walk from Bermondsey or Canada Water (Jubilee Line) and Rotherhithe (Overground) tube stations. The single story, accessible building has its own garden adjacent to the tranquil oasis of St Mary’s Park. The building is fully secure and there is also cycle parking and a small car park.

Please note. We do run our own groups and have regular hirers so availability during weekdays is more limited but it's worth checking with us to see if we can accommodate you!

All evening hires must finish by 10pm, when the building needs to be locked.

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:






Venue facilities

3 spaces




Yes - Small - tea/coffee only

10 rectangle tables

50 chairs

Other venue facilities



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