Congress Theatre - Eastbourne

Congress Theatre - The Congress Theatre Building has a large plaza in front of the building providing opportunities for vehicle display or outdoor stalls/exhibition stands.

To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire
01323 415437
Conference Eastbourne
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Congress Theatre description
Commercial Venue
Extra Large (300+)
Venue suitability
This venue is suitable for the following uses:
Venue facilities
120 spaces
Within 950 metres
Yes - Fully stocked
Other venue facilities
Designed in 1958 by Bryan and Norman Westwood & partner, the Congress Theatre has now reopened its doors after extensive refurbishment. The grade II Congress Theatre restoration reinstated some of the original design intent, such as 1960's style light fittings, original carpet colour and styles of furniture. Improved accessibility, comfort levels, upgrades to the technical equipment and acoustics, plus the provision of extra toilet facilities have enhanced the building whilst also meeting modern requirements. The Congress Theatre regularly hosts touring West End theatre, ballet, opera, comedy, live music, plus national and international conference business. The Spacious Congress Theatre auditorium can seat up to 1,655 delegates and includes a large stage with direct access for conference sets. It is one of the largest theatres on the South coast. The building also provides mezzanine floors to allow you to utilise the building to provide your delegates with the best experience. Supporting break out rooms and exhibition spaces are also available by utilising the other three buildings on the Devonshire Quarter site, where the Congress Theatre is located, allowing full flexibility for your event needs.
As theatre:
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