Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre

Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre - Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre

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01698 403120

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Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre description

Local Authority (Town Hall etc)

Medium (1-150)

About CultureNL

CultureNL – Responsible for the management and operation of North Lanarkshire’s cultural services

On 1 April 2013, operational responsibility for North Lanarkshire Council’s cultural services and related services transferred to CultureNL, a specially created Scottish charity and company limited by guarantee.

CultureNL assumed responsibility for the management and operation of performance venues such as Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre, arts activity and arts development, community facilities (including the letting of school halls and sports pitches), museums, archives and local studies, libraries and information services and play services. CultureNL also manages the catering, cleaning and caretaking functions associated with these services.

A business plan has been developed covering the period 2013 to 2016 and CultureNL has many challenging and exciting aims, objectives and targets to achieve and we intend to work with partners to improve both the quality of life and the delivery of cultural services to local people and visitors to North Lanarkshire.

Our mission statement is ‘to deliver high quality and inspiring cultural experiences and facilities which promote and increase participation, meet customer expectations and improve the quality of life’.

CultureNL is working for the communities of, and visitors to, North Lanarkshire and aims to:

Encourage enjoyment and involvement in cultural activity
Promote opportunities which are accessible to all
Create stronger, more cohesive communities through participation in cultural activities
Work in partnership with local and national agencies to promote and widen cultural opportunities
Provide welcoming, well maintained venues and community spaces
Be a strong, sustainable, successful organisation which is valued by our customers, communities and supporters, and
Maximise resources, value our employees, grow our business and generate income to further develop the organisation.
Every year we engage hundreds of thousands of people in the enjoyment and excitement that culture can bring and CultureNL hopes to engage many more in the years to come!

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:

Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

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