Eaglesfield Village Hall

Eaglesfield Village Hall - Eaglesfield Village Hall

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CA13 0RN

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Eaglesfield Village Hall description

Village Hall

Medium (1-150)

The new hall was built with a grant of £235,000 from the Big Lottery Fund as well as other donations from Dean Parish Council Cockermouth and District Neighbourhood Forum, Cumbria Waste Management Environmental Trust, the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme, Cumbria Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund, the Hadfield Trust, local organisations and fund-raising by villagers.

The decision to demolish the old wooden hall, which was originally a reading room for farm workers, was taken because the building had little insulation and no disabled facilities and rising insurance and maintenance costs.

The new brick building has been planned since 2006 and construction started just after Easter.

Paul Cumella, chairman of the village hall committee, said: “The new hall will be able to be used by a wider variety of people. It will have better facilities for everyone, especially the disabled, and will also have a committee room.

“I think a special mention needs to go to Clare Welford who has been the driving force behind the project and I think without her work we would not have had a new hall to enjoy.”

The hall also has a kitchen, extra toilets and storage space and will be able to hold social, recreational and educational activities.

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