Woking, Town Centre Office space

Woking, Town Centre Office space - Woking, Town Centre Office space

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Duke Street
GU21 5AS

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0870 880 8484

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Woking, Town Centre Office space description

Business Meeting Rooms

Medium (1-150)

The Woking office space in Woking can be found in a contemporary building that's filled with natural light. The property is situated in the centre of town yet it's away from the hustle and bustle of the shopping centre. Duke Street is home to a number of office-based businesses operating in the services sector. Situated 25 miles from London, Woking is an extremely well-connected town. It's located between the M25, M3 and the A3, providing easy access to both Heathrow and Gatwick airports. The offices are a short walk from the railway station, which provides frequent services to the capital. Woking itself is home to companies operating in the oil, gas and petrochemical sector and shows strong support for environmentally focused organisations. As the base of McLaren Group, known globally for its association with Formula One, Woking also has an advanced engineering cluster.

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:

Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

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