ACF Teambuilding & Events Ltd

ACF Teambuilding & Events Ltd - ACF Teambuilding & Events Ltd

To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire

Aldwick Court Farm
North Somerset
BS40 5RF

Show map of venue location

01934 862305

Bookings Administrator

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ACF Teambuilding & Events Ltd description

Commercial Venue

Medium (1-150)

ACF Teambuilding and Events Ltd is one of the South West’s top event management companies that specialise in team building and outdoor activities. Based at Aldwick Court Farm & Vineyard, close to Blagdon Lake just south of Bristol, we have over 300 acres of land, with stunning views and superb facilities these include conference rooms, purpose built race and tank driving tracks, and a 4x4 off road course.

We have an innovative team that can work with clients to determine team building requirements from indoor business games to adrenaline fueled outdoor pursuits. ACF owns and maintains a large amount of equipment, including over 28 vehicles, various shooting activities and the very popular 'It’s A Knockout' inflatables .

Events can take place at our own site, or at variety of other activity sites throughout the UK. ACF is fully mobile which enables us to operate from any suitable location.

This website only covers a selected range of events and activities that we offer. We pride ourselves on providing new and innovative ideas and welcome the challenge of providing something bespoke to your needs.

In order to cover the whole range of team building we have categorised the headings.

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:

Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

We don't currently hold any detailed information about the rooms at this Venue.

If this is your Venue or Hall please use the Adopt link on the right to add more detailed information about this Venue.

If you wish to hire this Venue or Hall please use the contact details on the overview tab.

Please encourage every Venue to take a few minutes to 'Adopt' their listing and add unique content and photos.

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If you have any questions about our use of your data, please contact us via our Contact page.