Selkirk Cricket Club

Selkirk Cricket Club - Selkirk Cricket Club
Selkirk Cricket Club description
Sports Club - Cricket
Medium (1-150)
The club was founded in 1851 by a pair of Yorkshiremen named Humber and Newbury who had been contracted to install new looms in the tweed mills that were then the town’s major industry. Many of the mills have long since gone but the cricket club endures to this day.
Initially the club played on the riverside at what is now Victoria Park before moving to the current ground at Philiphaugh in 1872 where it has remained ever since. The new ground was provided by John Murray, laird of the Philiphaugh estate, beginning a long and productive relationship with the Philiphaugh estate that continues to this day. Sir Michael Strang-Steel, the current owner of the estate, is, like his father before him, the club’s President.
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