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Nineacres Drive
West Midlands
B37 5DD

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0121 770 0001

Bookings Administrator

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Fordbridge Centre, Birmingham description

Local Authority (Town Hall etc)

Medium (1-150)

The website will hopefully provide you with a wealth of information and regular updates regarding the work of the Council and its service to the community. The Council hopes that this will help local people understand more about the Town Council, how it works and how it makes decisions and spends money.

The site also includes amongst other things the following features:-

Profiles, photographs and contact details for all members of the Council
A notice board with details of forthcoming events and news and photographs from recent events
Information regarding the Council’s prize asset, the Fordbridge Centre which is available to hire for private functions, use by local organisations and for meetings. The Centre’s charges are very reasonable so please visit the Fordbridge Centre page
A calendar of meetings
Details of recent meetings and decisions taken
Please use the links on the left hand side of the page to navigate around the site, we hope that you find the information useful and readily available. Please remember to visit this site frequently as the information will be regularly updated. If you have any events which you wish to have included on the Events & Notices page please contact the Clerk.

The decisions which affect the people of Fordbridge are made at Council meetings. These meetings are open to the public and a period of time near the start of the meeting is set aside for members of the public to make comments or ask questions.

The Council will be delighted to see more members of the public at its meetings which is another opportunity to find out more about the workings of the Council.

The Council hopes to expand the website in the near future to provide more information and photographs. We will be delighted to hear what you think about the website and suggestions for how it could be improved and expanded.

If you want to find out more about the Council or how your money is spent please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk to the Council.

Venue suitability

This venue is suitable for the following uses:

Venue facilities

Other venue facilities

We don't currently hold any detailed information about the rooms at this Venue.

If this is your Venue or Hall please use the Adopt link on the right to add more detailed information about this Venue.

If you wish to hire this Venue or Hall please use the contact details on the overview tab.

Please encourage every Venue to take a few minutes to 'Adopt' their listing and add unique content and photos.

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If you have any questions about our use of your data, please contact us via our Contact page.