Cliftonville Bowling Club, Belfast

Cliftonville Bowling Club, Belfast - Cliftonville Bowling Club, Belfast

To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire

13 Knutsford Drive
County Antrim
BT14 6LZ

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028 9071 5070

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Cliftonville Bowling Club, Belfast description

Sports Club - Rugby

Medium (1-150)

Welcome to the Cliftonville Bowling Club webpage for the 2012 season.

With the inclement weather last week both matches on Wednesday for the Midweek against Belmont at Wilson Park and on Thursday for the Juniors against Falls in the quarter-final of the PGL Cup were postponed due to flooded greens. We await the re-arranged date for the Cup match.

On Friday the Veterans had a notable win away against Nortel on their artificial green in the Hatch Cup.

However with the change on Friday night and Saturday both the Juniors and Seniors managed to play on Saturday morning\afternoon, but the results did not go for us. The Juniors picked up a point in a 51 - 75 defeat against near-neighbours Cavehill; the Seniors lost out 70 - 96 against Forth River gaining two points. The Junior rink scores were (Cliftonville names first):

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