Newland Village Room (Village Hall nr Coleford, Glos GL16 8NP)
To make a booking or enquire about hiring this venue please use the contact details below - Please mention Venues for Hire
07714 703028
Karen Davies
Use contact form below
Newland Village Room
The Village Room has been awarded Community Status by Gigaclear and now has superfast fibre broadband - approx 900mbps up and down. The Room is an ideal location for small parties and courses
Newland Village Room (Village Hall nr Coleford, Glos GL16 8NP) description
Village Hall / Wedding Venue / Business Meeting Rooms / Training Rooms / Fitness and Dance Centre / Exhibition Space
Small (1-50)
Parking for 2/3 vehicles off road and roadside parking within easy walking distance
Max capacity - 50 persons
Normal Hire: £10 per hour
Weddings and other celebrations - special rates apply. Please enquire
Venue suitability
This venue is suitable for the following uses:
Venue facilities
2 spaces
Yes - Full - Facilities to prepare meal
6 rectangle tables
50 chairs
Other venue facilities
Our quaint wood panelled room provides an intimate atmosphere for your small meetings and gatherings with views over the surrounding countryside, and through the French windows to our outdoor area and pond. Thick black out curtains mean no light seepage for slide shows. The wooden floor adds to the ambiance and is ideal for dance and activity sessions. We have 50 comfortable upholstered chairs for your use as well as 6 rectangular tables and six square tables. In warmer weather, open the French windows and make use of our gravelled outdoor area
As meeting room:
For dining:
As theatre:
For dancing:
For a reception:
Latest news:
Gigaclear Community Hub Status extended
25 April 2024
We are pleased to announce that Gigaclear have extended our Community Hub Status allowing us to keep our hire costs competitive and our users to access lightening fast 900mbps fibre in our lovely little Village Room.
July 100 Club Draw
2 July 2021
The 100 Club Draw for July will now take place next Thursday at our first non virtual committee meeting for a year and a half, next Thursday 8th July - result posted here
June 100 Club Winners
5 June 2021
The draw took place in The Forest of the Cathedral church yard and was done by author Shoo Rayner. First prize of £52 went to Jennifer Lang and 2nd prize to Matt Forde of £26
100 Club Draw for June
3 June 2021
The June draw will take place in the churchyard in Newland before the play on Saturday 5 June - result posted here. Good luck!!
May 100 Club Draw
11 May 2021
Thanks to Jules Pritchard for doing the draw for us.
First Prize, Shirley Parsloe - £51
Second Prize, Sarah Barrett - £25.50
Next draw will be on Friday 4 June.
Our NVR Flickr Account
3 February 2019
We now have a Village Room Flickr Account: Newland Village Room Flickr Account
If you have any photos of village life, we would love to have them - email to
External Renovations Continue
24 January 2019
The Committee is currently in the process of applying for planning permission to revert to the Village Room being unrendered (its original state) and we hope that repointing and ancillary works will be completed in the first part of 2019
Regular users of this venue:
Contact: Sue Yelland - 07585 122090
The Ladybirds is a ladies' group who meet on the last Thursday of the month, sometimes in the Newland Village Room and other times at various venues eg bowls alley, pub, garden visit, theatre, cinema
Moving Experience
Contact: Tel: 07474 612701 email:
Newland Parish Council
Contact: Clerk - Richard Crighton Email: Tel: 01594 836454
Document library:
A1 Floor PlanFloor Plan View: nvr-floor-plan.pdf (0 kB) |
A2 Key to Floor PlanA2 Key to Floor Plan View: key-to-floor-plan.docx (13,911 kB) |
A3 North ElevationNorth Elevation View: nvr-north-elevation.pdf (0 kB) |
A4 South ElevationSouth Elevation View: nvr-south-elevation.pdf (0 kB) |
A5 West ElevationA5 West Elevation View: nvr-west-elevation.pdf (0 kB) |
B1 Hire FormHire Form revised January 2025 View: revised-hire-form-jan-2025.docx (58,690 kB) |
B2 Standard Conditions of HireStandard Conditions of Hire revised Jan 2025 View: newland-village-room-conditions-of-hire-revised-jan-2025.docx (22,539 kB) |
B4 Actions in the Event of FireActions in the Event of Fire View: action-in-the-event-of-fire.docx (16,188 kB) |
B5 Certificate of Inspection Fire AppliancesCertificate of Inspection Fire Appliances Oct 2024 View: certificate-of-inspection-herefordshire-fire-protection-october-2024.pdf (555,093 kB) |
Q1 Agenda for AGM 11 July 2024Q1 Agenda for AGM 11 July 2024 View: nvr-agm-agenda-11-july-2024.docx (0 kB) |
Q2 Minutes of AGM of 11 July 2024Q2 Minutes of AGM of 11 July 2024 View: agm-minutes-11th-july-2024.docx (65,997 kB) |
Q3 Appendix A Chair's ReportQ3 Appendix A Chair's Report View: chairmans-report-for-agm-11-july-2024.docx (60,621 kB) |
Q4 Appendix B Treasurer's ReportQ4 Appendix B Treasurer's Report View: nvr-treasurers-report-23.docx (8,611 kB) |
Q5 Appendix C Accounts for year ended 2023Q5 Accounts for year ended 2023 View: 2023-nvr-final-20240601.pdf (0 kB) |
Q6 Minutes of AGM of 16 August 2023Minutes of AGM of 16 August 2023 View: vr-agm-minutes-16th-august-2023.docx (0 kB) |
R1 Agenda for AGM 16 August 2023 (year 2022)Agenda for AGM 16 August 2023 View: nvr-agm-agenda-16-august-2023.docx (0 kB) |
R2 Chairman's Report for 2022Chairman's Report for 2022 View: chairmans-report-for-2022.docx (0 kB) |
R3 Accounts for Year Ended 31 December 2022Accounts for Year Ended 31 December 2022 referred to as Appendix B in the Minutes View: 2022-final-newland-village-room.pdf (0 kB) |
R4 100 Club Accounts for 2022100 Club accounts for 2022 View: lottery-accounts-2022.xlsx (0 kB) |
R6 Minutes of AGM of 3 August 2022Minutes of AGM of 3 August 2022 View: agm-minutes-3rd-august-2022.docx (0 kB) |
Special Conditions of Hire during Covid-19Special Conditions of Hire during Covid-19 View: nvr-covid-19-special-conditions-of-hire.docx (925,772 kB) |
Z2 Cleaning SpecCleaning Spec View: cleaning-spec-08-jan-2024.docx (14,170 kB) |
Photograph of Newland Village Room, possibly around 1900 and before it was gifted to the Village
Photograph courtesy of Forest Prints =
Newland Village Room was donated to the village by one Mrs Roscoe of Newland to commemorate the end of the Great War.
Water Colour of Mrs Roscoe
Photograph of Mrs Roscoe
At some time prior to it being donated, it is believed that the building was the village forge and we intend to research its history and provide more details as they are discovered.
A commemorative plaque hangs in the Village Room as a memorial to those villagers who gave their lives in the Great War
In 2018, the damaged concrete render was removed with a view to re-rendering the building. However, the village was pleasantly surprised to discover that the stone work underneath was worthy of re-pointing and preserving. Interestingly, an OS Bench Mark was discovered once the render was removed carved into a stone on the bottom north corner adjacent to the road.
OS Bench Mark after render removed
Newland Village Room is a registered charity no: 1113011
The following are trustees and committee members of Newland Village Room
Jane Bentley, Steve Brettle (Treasurer), Karen Davies (Chair),Paul McMahon, Julie Pritchard (Secretary), Sara Stevens, Emma Wrafter
£10 per hour. Please enquire for day rates
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