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Generate more enquiries for your Venue
Upgraded Venues get on average 15 times more enquiries than un-adopted / unverified Venues.
Upgraded Venues can promote their offers and events, and these will appear on our homepage and on every search results page, being seen by over 100,000 visitors every month.
Our upgrades allow you to increase the visibility of your Venue within our website and to promote your Venues special offers and events. You also get the chance to place a number of adverts (maybe on behalf of any preferred suppliers you have and keep any income you can raise) thereby offsetting the cost of the upgrade and maybe even making a profit.
To see an example of both a Highlighted Venue and a Featured Venue please Click Here.
There are two levels of upgrade available to see the features of both, please login to your Venues Admin page and select the Upgrades Tab - The number of Highlighted upgrades will be limited to about 3 per county with a few more in major cities.