Farmer Copleys
Venue / Caterer / Cakes
Venues and the public
Farmer Copleys is based at Ravensknowle Farm, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract. The farm has been in the Copley family for over 140 years. It started as a dairy farm, then changed to arable and since
From Farm to Restaurant
Opening the farm shop, moo cafe, beast restaurant and events on the farm has enabled it to stay in the Copley family, as it was too small to support a family in today’s modern agricultural industry. The development of Farmer Copleys has created a wonderful platform to showcase British Agriculture to the community, get people engaged with the countryside, where their food comes from and how it is produced.
From Farm to Restaurant
Opening the farm shop, moo cafe, beast restaurant and events on the farm has enabled it to stay in the Copley family, as it was too small to support a family in today’s modern agricultural industry. The development of Farmer Copleys has created a wonderful platform to showcase British Agriculture to the community, get people engaged with the countryside, where their food comes from and how it is produced.
Contact details
Farmer Copleys
Ravensknowle Farm
Pontefract Road
West Yorkshire
Andrew Beveridge