About the Village

Grainthorpe is a small village on the main coast road, the A1031,  between Cleethorpes to the north and Mablethorpe to the south.  It sits between the villages of Marshchapel and North Somercotes.  

Grainthorpe has a thriving Junior school, part of the Fenland Federation, which caters for 2 - 7 years old children at Marshchapel and 8 - 11 years old at Grainthorpe.

There is a large playing field, suitable for football and cricket as well as play equipment for the children and a tennis court.  There is a car park incorporated within the playing field and a pavilion.

Grainthorpe also has a church. St Clement's, dating back to C12, Sunday services are at 10.30am.  It also has a Methodist Chapel and Village Hall.

You can also find Bensley's Ice cream on the Playing Field and Appleby's close by on the A1031 at Conisholme.