St John The Evangelist
Community Resources ... Places of Worship
The Vicarage
Bathwell Lane
Milborne Port
St John The Evangelist
T:01963 250 248
M:07515 11 99 52
E:[email protected]

Vicar: Rev'd Rona Stuart-Bourne, Tel: 07515 11 99 52, Email:  [email protected]

Rector:  Tel: 01963 250248


Mrs P.E.N Elliott Tel: 01963 250353


Mrs Nicki Edwards, Osborne House, Station Road  Tel  01963 251505, [email protected]

Other Useful Church Contacts:

Organist:  Mrs Rachel Willetts Tel: 01935 813958
Vergers:  Mr & Mrs R. Goodman, St John's Cottage Tel: 01963 250964
Magazine Editor: Mrs Linda Mumford, telephone 01963 33495, email [email protected]
Church House Bookings: Christine Porter   01963 250821
Tower Capt. & Sec: Mr & Mrs D. Wales, 7 Victoria Terrace Tel: 01963 250660
Stewardship Rec: Mr A Gardner Tel: 01963 250444
Church Treasurer: Mr Robert Hall. Tel: 01963 250328

BCP = Book of Common Prayer; CW1 = Common Worship 1;
Matins and Evensong on Sunday are normally BCP


Change to Service Times - Milborne Port

Please note the timings of services are at 8.00 am Communion service will be on the second and fourth Sundays in the month.

The 10.30 am Family Communion will be on the third Sunday and Matins on the fourth Sunday.    

Morning Prayer will be said at 9.00 am in the Gethsemane Chapel each weekday except Wednesday 10.30am. 


When the place of the service is not otherwise indicated, it is at Milborne Port.